Welcome /Croeso / Witamy
Flint Catholic Parish -
Church of the Immaculate Conception
Welcome to our parish website here at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Flint. A parish in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Wrexham, North Wales. I hope that you will find it useful and enjoy these pages giving a snapshot of a vibrant and active Catholic parish in North East Wales.
Witamy na stronie parafii tutaj w kościele Niepokalanego Poczęcia NMP, Flint. Parafia katolicka diecezja Wrexham, Północnej Walii. Mam nadzieję, że będzie przydatny i cieszyć się te strony daje migawkę żywy i aktywny parafii katolickiej w północnej Walii.
Donations to the Parish

If you would like to donate to the parish, please click the Donate button below or scan the QR code.
If you would like to Gift Aid your donation please fill in the relevant information when prompted to do so. Thank you.
If you would like to Gift Aid your donation please fill in the relevant information when prompted to do so. Thank you.